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Posted by Bob on May 25, 2002 at 12:14:33:

In Reply to: Re: your proposition is ludicrous posted by Joe R on May 02, 2002 at 06:11:49:

Most of what you said is flat out wrong. You should read waht trasnspired if you're going to comment on it.

I've read comments by the author of the comparison article in dispute as well as comments by PADI instructors. Many were mistaken in that the comparsion only referred to requirements, not suggested skills. Also, the author required proof from the standards, not the opinion of anyone. That's why some of their comments were not included in the comparison. They couldn't prove their assertions.

PADI's training department (specifically, Linda Van Velsen) worked with the author in correcting any errors after supplying him with their latest standards

Like many people, you've missed an important fact about the YMCA as regards the comparison. They took a look at the comparsion (an earlier version) and raised their standards as a result, including some of the skills the author judged them deficient in. There are others that remain.

PADI has a different outlook. After working with the author and thanking him for a fair and accurate comparison, they sued Diverlink and are trying to make the article go away.

The author said on another website

Linda stated in an e-mail to me on August 6, 2001, "Hi Walter, Nice job. We appreciate your efforts in presenting an accurate picture of the PADI Open Water Diver course. I sent the comparison chart around to members of the Training and Quality Management Dept. for review. I expect their comments sometime this week. Thank You. Linda

I believe the comparison is exactly as Linda described it, "an accurate picture of the PADI Open Water Diver course."

It looks like PADI doesn't care for the truth and the article pointing out that they allow divers who can't swim to be certified. I agree with all those who say they are suing to get their way and have that bit of truth removed. I also agree that it's too late and that they did themselves more harm by being bullies and bringing even more attention to their failings. More people than ever are aware of their shortcomings and a lot of PADI people seem embarassed over the whole matter.

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