Re: Tech Diving

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by TDI_2 on May 29, 2002 at 14:16:07:

In Reply to: Tech Diving posted by urchindiver on May 29, 2002 at 10:31:50:

PADI's D/M course and NAUI's Master Diver course both cover a lot of technical ground regarding scuba. The Encyclopoedia of Recreational Diving that Wayne mentioned is one of the course books for PADI's D/M course. You can buy it at any PADI store. the NAUI Master Diver course manual is normally available at any NAUI store. They are both extremely technical.

Those would give you really good basic information. Then the next step for you would be to take Beginning Nitrox & Advanced Nitrox. And if you like both of those, then GUE's tech 1 course or TDI's staged decompression course would naturally follow. Tribes is a GUE affectionario and he can lead you down that path if youre interested.

SSI and PADI also have a Master Diver course, but those dont have a dedicated text to that course like NAUI does.

Have fun reading.

Wayne mentioned "RDP." That is a little plastic wheel that has spirals printed on it. It is like a circular slide rule that does NDL calculations. Dont waste your time with it. Any good diving computer with advanced dive planning features on it works so much better.

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