Re: More July 1st closures

JuJee Beads, handmade flamework glass beads

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Posted by Ricardo on July 03, 2002 at 06:47:44:

In Reply to: More July 1st closures posted by Captain Tim on July 01, 2002 at 17:01:53:

How do you enforce these new rules on your boat if on a two day trip and someone speared a sheeps head or white fish and the diver wanted you to freeze it to take home? Would you let the diver know before the trip that the boat will have to cross over sea water that is beyond 20 fanthoms? Because of that they cannot bring back sheeps head or white fish or any of the other fish you listed no matter how shallow they were speared at? This is good and bad. I see the rock fish populations coming back, but I also see a lot of sport divers mising out on putting their own caught fish on the table. I also just realized something, what about the poor KSD who thrive on taking rock fish of any size and species? Who are we kidding. This law may actually slow their impact if they obey the rules in the first place.

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