Beach diving... My view.

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by ed on July 10, 2002 at 10:04:01:

When my wife and I got certified, we did 3 beach dives, and 4 boat dives. All beach dives were done at Leo Carillo, on a not-so-calm day. Despite the numerous issues that I had with my first beach dive, including my weight belt coming off, the leaky "rental" BC inflator, and only 1500 psi (rental tank, was supposed to be filled) to start with, I was determined to have a good time. And I certainly did. The shear convenience of a beach dive (I live about 10 minutes from the beach, and less than 20 minutes from Leo Carillo) has kept me coming back, again, and again, and again. I strongly feel that beach dives help develop numerous essential skills. I guess you could say that It has had a positive impact on me. I too own my own boat, but unless I plan on diving the islands, at a not-so-well-known location, I leave the boat at home. For all popular dive sites at the islands, I take one of the many great local boats (no hassle with towing, launching, cleaning up the boat etc).
I can honestly say that 9 out of every 10 of my dives are beach dives (I can go to the beach, and do a dive, and return home. Driveway to driveway, 2 hours).

My wife, well, that's another story. It was simply too much for her (carrying of the heavy gear, eating sand, being pounded by the surf, etc), so she is pretty much a boat diver now, with the exception of the Casino Point U/W park. However, she is still glad to at least have an 'exposure' to beach diving, and the issues that go along with it.

On a similar note, my cousin got 'certified' in Greneda (sp?) while he was down there, going to medical school. He returned to California, with a cocky "Yeah I'm BAD" attitude (typical of many doctor's I know...). That attitude also 'extended' to his diving, often coming off as a real 'hot shot' diver. Well, that did not last long, to say the least. Mind you, he was used to diving 'warm' and crystal clear, calm waters....
He went diving ONCE in California (beach dive). After loosing his mask and a fin, and being knocked around....well, let's just say that he was greatly 'humbled' (ego broken big time).

In short, my personal opinion is that OW students SHOULD at least learn the basic beach diving skills, including condition / current assemsment, etc. Weather they decide to pursue beach diving or not, after the certification, is up to them.

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