Re: nnoyances in LB

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Posted by Eins on July 13, 2002 at 20:39:36:

In Reply to: Laguna Beaches Closed posted by Tyler on July 13, 2002 at 16:48:58:

I don't know about swells or not but what you mention about those "well to do pepole down there not wanting us", I have my own opinion. If I were one of the residents there, I would be pretty pissed about the loudmouth divers every day. I am embarassed to be with divers who just can't talk quietly. Believe me, if you lived there, you would not want to have to listen to the yelling that goes on there every day for no reason.

I want Laguna Beach to remain open to divers and I'm sure you all want that. Then why can't some of you just accept to be a little more respectful?

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