Here is how we remembered names...

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Posted by RM on July 17, 2002 at 14:26:53:

In Reply to: I always liked being called by name! posted by Wayne on July 17, 2002 at 13:40:18:

First thing is that about 10% of the divers of the 40 divers on the boat were repeat customers, instructors or divers we knew through the industry.
In the morning when signing in all the divers we start the Dive number, name, gear and face association. Then we do all the paperwork and take a trip to the IL.

When we would give the 20 to 30 minute notice the DM would stay at the back of the boat with the dive slate and start to make diver, gear and face associations. This was done by watching everybody suit up and making a mental or in some cases written note on the DM slate of the gear type of something different about the diver that we could notice at the swim step.

For Kevin he could nail all 40 names by the end of the first dive. By mid last year I was also to do the same. It takes a lot of work to pull this one off. Not surprisingly the tips are representative of this feature.

I was recently diving in Hawaii, and the DMs had a hard time remembering 6 names and had to keep a cheat sheet. This shocked me since remembering 40 took me only an hour and a half….


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