Am I dreaming this? Must be a nightmare, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by Eins on July 23, 2002 at 00:03:11:

I could swear I just posted in the Roatan thread a response to the person who complained that he never got a chance to read the answers to his Roatan question. Now, a few minutes later, I can't find either post anymore.

What I responded was something to this account (and go ahead, delete it again, and I'll post it again):

If the moderators of this board want us to stop visiting, then they are on the right track. If we can't post interesting questions here, then we are forced to post them elsewhere, and there are other boards that are not moderated but open to all kinds of questions and posts, dive-related or not. One with a wide reach is at
and there is a powerful search engine that will probably anser all possible questions to Roatan. All you have to do is enter the word. Or post your question, and the thread will not be removed like here.

What a narrow minded attitude!


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