Re: BBS user poll, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by Karen on July 24, 2002 at 08:25:20:

In Reply to: BBS user poll posted by Chris on July 23, 2002 at 18:25:21:

What if we see posting of trip reports here about a place like baja mexico or fiji made by a group leader and have generic questions about their experience, especially if they used a california based tour group arranger or scuba shop? Those postings were allowed and are still there today. I see this latest flap about what gets allowed to be posted and what doesn't be a issue of consistancy among all the editors. What gets allowed to stay is up is graded by the editor of the day. Thats bad because the flavor of the board is challenged by the faqs interpetation of that editor. We think you are splitting hairs attempting to govern our questions and answers to the california divers. I am sure it's not the intent, but the actions the other editors have taken have really diminished the credibility of the bbs. What really is demeaning to read is when an editor belittles us readers for not understanding geography, logical thinking, and civility that in itself was a shot to those of us who normaly just read these posts. I suggest you re-think your choices for editors, and then enforce the faqs what ever they may be to the letter. At least that way all things would be treated as equals.

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