Mooring Project

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Posted by Elaine on July 29, 2002 at 21:32:25:

I contacted the president of the CCD and asked him about the involvement of the CCD in the mooring project. The official answer is that this was not a CCD project.

The CCD has been looking at the ISSUE of placing mooring sites at Catalina. The CCD President said that he sent out requests for input from local dive boat captains because he felt that they would be the most affected by the placement of moorings. He said that he did not receive much return input.

I thought that the comments posted here were excellent and that some very good points were raised.

Please post some more comments, if you feel that you have any, and I will refer him to this site. It is a way to be heard and to get your thoughts and feelings on the issue out in the open. To be sure the dive boats would be affected, but it is we the divers who would feel the effects first.

I personally have the greatest concerns about the boats known to frequently drag anchor. Captain Tim is not one of my concerns. I found the previous postings helpful in pinpointing the issues. What further thoughts if any do you have? Could a mooring system work, what benefits would it have, do you think it would help our underwater environment, what would the problems be?


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