Re: Welcome to the Monkey House

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Posted by Dan Levine on July 31, 2002 at 17:54:49:

In Reply to: Welcome to the Monkey House posted by Dan Adler on July 31, 2002 at 15:25:20:

I was on the Iron Eagle several months ago, and we had to be rescued by Baywatch and Scuba Luv. The boat couldn't anchor at the dive site, and their plan was to retrieve us with their Seadoos and tow ropes. A storm blew in (this was one or two weekends prior to the one in which the dinghy sank), and we watched the boat drift away for close to an hour. What hampered the Eagle's own rescue effort was that the captain doubled as the divemaster. I should have known better. The boat is just too big for this area. Never again...

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