Re: Best/Worst Stories

AquaFlite Custom Wetsuits, Dive Skins, and Dive Parkas

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Posted by Chuck Tribolet on August 02, 2002 at 14:53:43:

In Reply to: Best/Worst Stories posted by Ken Kurtis on August 02, 2002 at 11:43:50:

Bests: Too numerous to relate. There's probably
20 or thirty out of over a thousand dives. The
day the vis was so good I could see all of Aumentos
Reef at once. My first wolf eel (lately they've
been common and a bit boring). The Cocos
hammerheads. My first time on the Great Pinnacle
in Bluefish.

Worst: A few years ago I was still diving a wet
suit (Farmer John, hooded vest, and jacket). I'd
generally drive the whaler wearing the john and
a big TruWest coat. I helped the other two divers
gear up, and we agreed to meet at the anchor, so
the descended. I took off my coat and whipped the
hooded vest on. Uh oh, it's on backwards, my
face is into the hood, and I CAN'T BREATHE. For
about one nanosecond I thought I might just die
there. Then logic took over: You can hold your
breath for at least two minutes, so you've got
at least 119 seconds to figure this out.

Since I'm writing this, obviously, I did.


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