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Posted by TDI_2 on August 09, 2002 at 08:22:31:

In Reply to: Follow up question on beach entries posted by Starfish on August 08, 2002 at 21:31:55:


1) Look into the cost and availability of a smaller High-Pressure steel tank. Sounds like a 50 cu ft may be better for you. You may be "back-heavy" because the Low Pressure steel tanks or the aluminum tanks you are now using are just too big for you. If you cant afford or find the right H/P steel tank, then simply a smaller aluminum tank, like a 65 cu ft or smaller may work better for you. If not, then an H/P steel 50 may be your only viable solution to this problem.

2) That means you will need to convert your regulator to DIN since H/P steel tanks are DIN. Any good dive store with a good equipment person can make this conversion for you.

3) Re-weight yourself, by moving the weights on your weight belt more forward on each side of your waist.

You should NOT be "back heavy." You need to fix this. You dont want to end up stuck on your back like a turtle. If you do the above, that should help.

Practice putting on your fins in the pool, before you try an actual fins-off walking entry. Your Basic Open Water skills in your certification class should have covered this, but it doesnt always get a lot of attention and reinforcement.

Use the Figure-Four motion, while you are floating on your back, with your B/C partially inflated, to put your fins on in the water. After you get it down in the pool, then try it in the ocean, when you go diving again with your friends.

Also, like Chuck said, turning sideways is the best way to take the impact of an incoming wave when youre walking out. Good luck with all that.

/s/ TDI_2
NAUI Active Status Instructor
TDI Technical Trimix Diver
PADI Divemaster

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