Naval Sonar and Whales (Please Read)

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Posted by Eagle Ray on August 12, 2002 at 10:37:02:

On July 16 the US Navy got permission to go ahead with tests for using low frequency sonar in our oceans. The tests have begun. The high-powered submarine detection system will operate at noise levels billions of times more intense than those known to disturb the migration and communication of large whales. It has been known by scientists and the US Navy as well, that these tests injure marine life, including causing internal hemorrhaging.

* 60 false killer whales beached themselves off Australia.

* Hundreds of squid had beached themselves along the Californian coastline along with unusual numbers of (harmless)leopard sharks coming in close to shore disorientated.

* Twelve manatees have also been reported to have died on the Florida coast.

* Another 60 pilot whales have beached themselves off Cape Cod.

All of this within a week of the Navy's go ahead to use this low frequency sonar, Coincidence? I think not.

The sonar is equivalent in decibels to us standing next to a rocket being launched. It causes brain hemorrhaging & disorientation to cetaceans and other marine life. There are innumerable accounts of how dolphins and whales have helped us in life threatening situations...Now it is time for us to help them.

What can you do? Below are two very important, simple and quick actions.

1. Takes 3 minutes or less:
Send a letter (already written for you, although you may amend it as you like) to Hon. Gordon R. England, Secretary of the Navy at You do not need to be a member of NRDC to send this letter.

2. Takes 3 minutes or less:
Register your opinion on a petition at:

3. Share your concern and your information with friends and family. If enough of us object to this unconscionable abuse below the surface of the sea, we can force them to stop.

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