Re: Here is some empirical data for you, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by finfan on August 27, 2002 at 08:52:29:

In Reply to: Here is some empirical data for you posted by Brad on August 26, 2002 at 17:00:08:

Where is the "empirical data"? Do you even know what "empirical" means? As I said in my last message, only one of us realizes we are talking from an educated position. Empirical doesn't mean more of your babbiling Bu****it. Even if it is capitalized.

Again, no scientific proof just Bradley spouting off with his unsubstantiated opinions. Do you have even one (just one) piece of real(that would be something other than your "stomp my feet and proclaim "period" opinion) evidence to support your claim of "EXACTLY". NO one (other than you that is) knows definitively what has caused the depletion. Most sane rational people at least are willing to explore the possibility that it isn't just fishing.

While I'm dying to hear more of your now infamous proclamations, I don't think this exchange of "here is my evidence" and then here's bradley's "because I said so" is very productive.

I've asked in the past and haven't received it from you so I'm sure I'll get more of the "LOVES THE OCEAN" garbage.

Like I said, out classed, bordering on the ridiculus, somewhat comical and now just plain tiring hearing the same old same old - Bradley says so (you know, back to the shrimp thing. Is this just a short man sydrome problem that you have?)

What were your answers again to the questions - does a warm water fishery react the same as a cold water fishery (you know your reserve support or lack there of) and how is Cortez and Catalina comparable. That was your proof in our last go round wasn't.

Not that it will do any good, but here's a suggestion - If you really believe pollution isn't a factor at Catalina and a major one, why don't you give the folks from the Catalina conservatory a call and ask them. Now I know they only spend most days studying the island's ecosystem (that would include sediment run-off) and they do produce studies (you know the things that are bought and sold), but most of us living outside of Fantasyland tend to listen to what people who have dedicated their lives to such endevors have to say. Maybe they will have more patience than I have for your tiraids of IT IS, PERIOD, EXACTLY!

One thing is for sure. I can't do that paper on why Cortez and Catalina are the same now, because you already wrote the conclusion. Would that be BECAUSE BRADLEY SAY'S SO!!!! Right! HA HA. What an i---t!

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