Diving the Peace recently.....

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Anonymous on September 20, 2002 at 00:37:28:

Am I being an anal retentive nature nazi? I was diving the Peace yesterday on an ill fated trip to Begg Rock that turned out to be Santa Cruz because the weather was foul. I have always enjoyed the Peace, and thought the crew to be terrific. Today, I noticed the two fellows working at the back of the boat smoking. This is not uncommon, but I noticed one of them flip his cigarette butt off the back of the boat while were between dive spots. This bothered me a bit, so I continued to watch as they smoked. I later watched as the same fellow extinguished another cigarette in the basin occupied by a divers fish he had speared earlier. The other fellow, working the air, dumped two cigarettes overboard as well. The best being the one he flicked over the head of a diver he was helping onto the boat.

I don't know about you, but I'd be pissed if I came out of the water only to see cigarette buts near my mask. I would expect people on the a Dive boat working as Divemasters would be the one's setting the example for others to follow. I was not very happy after this trip and I will consider this before diving with the Peace again. Do you think I am making too big a deal of this? Go ahead and flame away....

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