Dive Report -- Cabrillo Chocolate Lobster Dive

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Posted by Aaron on September 21, 2002 at 18:40:54:

The Event
About 450 divers were involved and 20 vendors/sponsors had tables set up. The planners obviously put a lot of work into making the event work flawlessly—a big congrats and thank you. Everything from check in to beachmaster coverage to the prize and auctions went perfect. Credit also to the sponsors and the goods they put up. When someone was looking to bid on a set of fins, American Diving even offered to exchange them for the appropriate size.

The Conditions
Despite reports of notoriously bad viz, Cabrillo was a crystal 10’ thanks to the tiny swell. In near the jetty there was only a slight surge.

The Critters
Lots of sand and sand dollar beds, a small thornback and a few small turbots. As for the elusive chocolate lobster, Matt and I each picked up 1 and consider ourselves lucky.

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