Reply to Anonymous

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Posted by Eric Bowman-Peace Dive Boat on September 23, 2002 at 15:24:17:

After receiving a phone call today from a concerned customer i took a look at the posting from anonymous about the "cigerette" incident.Anonymous is absolutely correct there is no reason for my crewmembers to discard their cigerettes overboard for any reason.I bought my smoking crewmembers a ashtray to use and they obviously are not using it.Being a non-smoker myself i understand how people feel about smoking and the pollution caused by cigerette butts being disposed of in our oceans.Also for some reason smokers make up a large portion of my boat crews,who have always done a terrific job with the customers in the past.All i ask of all my customers is if something did not go right with your boat trip and there is somthing i can do to help(bad weather does not count)PLEASE talk to me directly,e-mail or a phone call.Do not hide behind a fake name on the internet and make it a public case.Thanks, i will be discusing this with my crew.Eric Bowman-Peace Dive Boat

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