You're right that this is way beyond the feud

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Posted by Wayne on October 11, 2002 at 13:15:19:

In Reply to: Re: msblucow posted by MHK on October 11, 2002 at 12:18:31:

In a way, it is nice to see you posting here, but it is a shame what brought you out.

The old feud had gotten out of hand on all sides, in my opinion, with none of the involved willing to nicen things up. I think that the results of that were bad for all who watched and were influenced. Both Mikes involved know my opinion of their behavior and it is not germain to the present post except to say petty arguments did not improve the standing of anyone involved.

But this is way beyond the feud and squables of the past. This was a mean spirited, vile email which can only be interpreted as an attempt to line up sides against a woman who posts here often and shares her opinions without holding back. This is to be admired, not ridiculed. Too many people are afraid to say what they really think, and this BBS should be a forum where the exchange of ideas and viewpoints can be discussed without the fear of personal attacks -- on or off the board.

It could be argued that seahunt's email was not public, but I think this is just trying to hide the facts by bogging us down in the minutia. The trouble is that you, me, John B, Marta, etc, are simply individuals who post here and there occasionally when we have something to say. When I post something or send an email to a friend or stranger, I speak for myself. Others, have an association that cannot be overlooked. Ken Kurtis is associated with Reef Seekers, Captains are associated with their boats, and SEAHUNT is associated with management of this BBS. When he types, it is always seen as a semiofficial position of just as much as when Chris does. This may be an erroneous assumption on the part of us readers/posters, but it is the common and expected assumption.

Having this level of recognition requires a level of responsibility in ones personal life as well. If Ken Kurtis* or Captain Tim*, sent filthy misogynistic emails out, it would reflect on their businesses. Even if they were somehow ever tempted to do such a thing, and I am not suggesting that they ever would have such thoughts, we would expect them to use common sense and decorum to protect thier names, reputations, and associations.

Seahunt ignored this and in my opinion has done great harm to this BBS and the diving community in general. I am so very dissapointed in seahunt's incredible of judgement. I also thought Chris should have been much more direct in his public response. And at the same time I feel sorry for Chris. Seahunt put him in a rotten position.


* I used these two individuals as examples of common posters who have clearly defined business associations. I selected these two as examples who hold themselves to high standards to further my point that this is really a black and white issue. Guys, if you object to my using you as examples in this post, I am sorry.

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