Beauty of digital

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by JRM on October 15, 2002 at 10:40:42:

In Reply to: Free advice is worth the bandwith it's printed on... posted by msblucow on October 15, 2002 at 08:16:23:

Chris, nice shots. I monkeyed around a bit with them in photoshop, and I think you have got some good source material to work with.

As far as Marta's advice on keeping a slate...

Your digital camera embeds all the photo information within the picture file. Your software should be able to retrieve all relevant settings. Mine records the usual equivalent shutter speed, aperature, timsetamp, and all the settings like white balance, exposure control, and even the amount of zoom.

It's usually pretty easy to spot the trend in what settings produced the best pictures.

I also prefer to shoot in aperature preference mode, where I manually set the f-stop and the camera adjusts the shutter. My camera has less lag between button depression and fire, and I prefer being able to determine my depth of field.

We have an Ike DS-50 with the remote TTL sensor, and it works really well. The Ike sensor really works wonders with the digitals, and ours pre-flashes with zero problems. I was thinking for Christmas I'm going to get my wife a dual arm tray and another strobe, probably the DS-125. We share the camera, which basically means that I get to use it when she's not in the water ;-)


-- for our first time out...

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