Parasitic Worms in Halibut?, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by Ross-O on October 18, 2002 at 10:51:54:

Hi Guys,
I saw a bunch of huge halibut in one of our secret lobster spots in PV last week. I was in about 4 ft of water on my way out when I noticed the first one. It was at least 3ft long. In a 10 foot stretch of bottom, I found 2 more. I was discussing going back with a speargun when a couple of my dive buddies told me a story about watching a guy gut and halibut and seeing hundreds of worms inside the fish. A quick web search turned up several other tales of halibut being infested with worms (even in the muscle tissue). Growing up in the deep south and hunting for much of my meat as a kid, I'm sure I've eaten more than my fair share of parasites. I have to admit that the though of a fish packed full of worms turns my stomach. Is this a common thing? How often do you halibut hunters encounter such a thing? Do you trash the fish or just cook it well done and eat it anyway?


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