finfan, you'd be shocked about how much we agree about....

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Posted by msblucow on October 28, 2002 at 23:13:37:

In Reply to: Re: Thanks ever so much for reinforcing the stereotype.... posted by finfan on October 28, 2002 at 13:00:59:

Rather than be baited into yet another useless round of infighting, let me say this; on many issues we agree.....

Next to overfishing, pollution is the number one problem affecting our nearshore waters. Increases in developement, lack of proper sewage treatment, and costal overpopulation all contribute to the problem. In addition to marine protected areas, I think it's vital that stringent clean-water laws be enacted and that the existing ones be properly enforced. I also agree that we have to do a much better job of protecting the few remaining wetlands we have...they are, after all the ocean's nurseries.

All of these things need to be done. The sooner the better. Thankfully, we have the marine protected areas now. So at least we're started down the right road.

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