I agree.... But....

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Ed on November 06, 2002 at 07:45:26:

In Reply to: Re: Read the Rockfish take/seasons for Rec. Vs. Commercial... posted by msblucow on November 04, 2002 at 21:15:42:

As hard as it is to believe, a lot of us "Non-Tree-Huggers" actually DO CARE dearly about our environment, and our resources. This includes the oceans, beaches, forests, and all forms of their inhabitants. Surely there is always a SLOB hunter, or someone who does not give a hoot about wildlife, littering, polluting, poaching, etc.... However, they are the exception, and not the norm.

Everything that you said, makes sense. I (we) too want to see ALL the damage undone. However, THE ORDER in which things are done CAN, and WILL have a MAJOR effect on the outcome. I view the localized closures (for now) a VERY small step toward the goal, and more like a "See? we are environmentally friendly.... Commercials... let the MASS TAKE CONTINUE.....".
Stop (or SEVERLY limit) the commercial take, also at the same time, DO PUT additional limits and such on recreational take.... if the fish stocks don't improve SIGNIFICANTLY (and I'm willing to bet that they will), THEN, impose (and enforce) preserves.
The idea of preserves is good.... The order in which things are done is not.

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