Excellent Idea. But POLITICS = Tree Hugger Vs. Savage Hunter

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Posted by JB22 on November 14, 2002 at 08:13:16:

In Reply to: Here's a whacky idea.... posted by msblucow on November 13, 2002 at 22:41:10:

That idea, not only is it not wacky, IMO is THE REAL SOLUTION to our depleting resources.

Any reasonable person should see the ENORMOUS benefits of eliminating 99% of take...... Not rocket science....really....Out of the 100 fish that are taken, 99 will be left alone. This is, by far, THE BEST CHANCE for the recovery of species. This also includes stopping the MASS TONS of bait (anchovies and squid)from exportation. WE DO NEED these for forage for OUR OWN marine resources, as they are ESSENTIAL to the food chain.

MPLA's, closures, etc are just a "feel-good" way to convince the public that DFG and other agencies are doing "good" for our children. They blame the "evil and cruel" spear-fisher (or sport-fisher), but fail to mention the MASS DAILY TAKE of TONS by others....Plus, 1500 LBS of BYCATCH PER DAY, PER BOAT allowed to the commercials.

The only people whom give a hoot are people like us.... However, through the magic of politics, they try (and do) divide us up..... They label some of us "Tree-Huggers", and others "Cruel-Enviromentaly-Unfriendly-Hunters". Then, they let us at each others throats.... This way, while we are busy fighting each other, calling each other names, etc, LOTS and LOTS of $$$$ is being made/pocketted by the "food chain".
Meanwhile, our oceans are being wiped clean, no one really gives a hoot about our resources, or our children for that matter...

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