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Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by bleachers on November 25, 2002 at 09:19:18:

In Reply to: Re: Before you research that...+ posted by Jon on November 22, 2002 at 20:59:40:

WE Californians have spent BILLIONS in taxes for such research and if they have enough info to come up with a minimum size regulation then how could it be possible that they don't know the big ones are the most important ones to protect?!?!

DF&G made the minimum size reg based on lobbying pressure from industry. The deal is to have some "show of concern" by having a regulation put in place but to NOT regulate the catch industry prefers!

Restaurants have a tough time selling dinky lobsters and therefore the market for them is weak.

THAT is the only reason there is a minumum size regulation, nothing else.

The science is already there, if the regulation was based on science then how could they possibly decide to regulate smalls without knowing one way or the other if big ones were more or less important?

You have just been handed busy work* to keep you out of their hair until it comes time for another roadblock. Until you come up with a finacial incentive you will not be heard.

*Remedial Politics:
Look back to the Mini-series SHOGUN and you will see this concept explained in living color. Anjinsan and crew are allowed to build a ship to return home but all the while the shogun had no intention of letting them leave.

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