Re: Lobsters

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Posted by seahunt on December 16, 2002 at 14:16:38:

In Reply to: Re: Lobsters posted by Steve on December 16, 2002 at 13:10:35:

Interesting point about the lobsters and reminds me of another important point. I can't say too much about the lobsters for sure, but they are very nocturnal, which is generally assumed to be for avoiding otters. Abalone are nocturnal as well, so I may have been wrong about saying abalone are not at all adapted to otters. On the other hand they both may have been nocturnal before otters appeared.
From what I have seen of lobsters though, I don't think that the big ones, maybe 7 pounds and up, are that afraid of otters. Vulnerable, maybe. Nervous, no. Sometimes they are just out in the open. For another reason, I expect that 3 pounders and up should be able to defend themselves some against lobsters, but this is still only an educated guess. I suspect that smaller lobsters, especially the smaller they are, are very vulnerable to otters.
I'm also quite sure that otters would find lobster just a dandy taste treat.
By the way, I don't know if you know of my site at , but you might consider checking it out. It has a lot about the natural history of the California Coast and a lot about diving in California. There ia also a complet, 3 part, coastal diving guide. I have been lucky enough to visit a lot of the reef areas in the state in my last 32 years of diving.
Enjoy the diving, seahunt
I just love this guy's eyes

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