Re: Cortez Bank, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by SeaSwirl on January 10, 2003 at 12:38:02:

In Reply to: Cortez Bank posted by Carlos on January 09, 2003 at 21:29:49:

Actually a boat doesn't have to cost as much as people make them out to. Just take care of the damn things, don't treat them like your car. If you wash every time with fresh water (SaltAway -sent by GOD) and keep up on regular things, you'll get decades of use for nominal cost.

**BTW make sure you have Vessel Assist b/c no one else will come for you if you have trouble, no Coast Guard will not come. Please don't run out of fuel(know your boat), and DO NOT rely on one form of navigation. Please know how to read a chart & navigate by compass!!

It is a big ocean out there! Be safe.

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