I just re-read the PADI manuals and...

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Posted by Wayne on January 14, 2003 at 21:16:18:

In Reply to: Just what authority does a DM have? posted by Captain Tim on January 14, 2003 at 16:45:52:

The Instructor Manual (Divemaster Course Instructor Guide 1999 edition with updates to current) from which they teach a DM course, lists the things that a DM has the authority to do. It does NOT include controlling dive operations on a vessel. Let me quote the manual:

"PADI Divemasters accept appropriate, limited responsibility for certified divers within the contect of leading or managing diving activities. ... The PADI Divemaster assists the dive operation with risk management."

Later in the section titled "PADI Divemaster Duties" it states: "Generally supervise both training and nontraining related activities by assisting divers and student divers in the planning, organizing, and direction of dives"

So it is clear to me that the responsibility of the divemaster is to advise and support the divers in their diving activities. They are not even considered to be part of the crew of the boat unless they have specific crew duties which are beyond their DM duties. To quote the manual once again: "If your function involves the diving activities and you are not part of the boat's staff, you are not usually considered part of the boat crew."

I consider the DM to be an adviser to the divers and an important advisor to the skipper. The skiper may delegate duties to the DM, but the responsibility for the safety of the passengers cannot be fully assigned by delegation to the DM. Of course when the lawyers get involved, every is responsible and that is why insurance premiums are so stinking high.

Was this the kind of chapter and verse you were looking for Tim?


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