2003 Vandamme Party

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Posted by Eric S on January 26, 2003 at 18:36:23:

Well it's time to think about the North Coast again. More specifically, the annual Vandamme Campout Dive Fest where we dive our brains out, eat abalone, fish, scallops, and generally have a great time around the fire in one of the country's most beautiful places, the Mendocino North Coast.
This years party will be August 21st thru 24th so get ready to book a space at Van damme state park on February 1st.
go to reserveamerica.com and you can get a reservation online.
Hope to see everyone from the past up there and some newcomers as well.
Any questions, just e-mail me and I'll fill you in on all the details.

Eric Sedletzky
Santa Rosa, Ca.

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