Re: A few questions about your article/

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Posted by Tribes on January 29, 2003 at 12:18:13:

In Reply to: A few questions about your article/ posted by arturo on January 28, 2003 at 18:12:58:

Arturo, I think that in cold water, 60’ is where deeper diving starts. I think this because, this seems to be where most of the problems start.
I have been to a number chamber workshops in the passed and speakers there felt that the effects of N2 Narcosis started to impaired at about 60’. My wife who was on chamber crew said the same thing. I think that most divers don’t really feel it (but it’s there).
I think that if you look at the decompression tables you will see a change there to. On the old Navy tables at 50’ you had a 100minutes, at 60ft. you had 60minutes, a 40min.difference in 10 ft.
At 66 ft. you have 3 times the pressure, and 3 times the air consumption (that means that if you had a 100mins. of air at the surface you would have 50mins. at 33’ and 33 mins. at 66 ft and 25 mins. at 99.
The 3 times the pressure also means a big change in the buoyancy your wetsuit/drysuit.
Arturo if you are doing allot of cold water diving you have probably mastered allot of the skills you need to get a little deeper. But you should take it in small steps and get some more training. An Overhead Environment class or a DIR-F class would give you lots of good idea’s about deeper diving physics, techniques, and equipment configuration.


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