Re: why in the middle of the week

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Posted by Ken Kurtis - Chairman, Chamber Day/Eve 2003 on February 04, 2003 at 11:42:42:

In Reply to: Re: why in the middle of the week posted by Joe Diver on February 03, 2003 at 20:31:44:

Although I think this is a troll (I sent this reply privately and it bounced back as a no-good e-mail address), allow me to treat your comments with some level of seriousness and respect.

"Joe Diver" wrote: "I would rather go not on a work night. I also like the idea of perhaps a separate day for each chamberday and chambernight. Chamberday wed, chamberevening the following friday saturday or sunday."

First of all, too mcuh work for an already-overworked committee to split it up. Secondly, boats still seem to prefer the mid-week date. Thirdly, the Aquarium is NOT available to us that time of the year on a Tuesday or Thursday (sleepovers) or a Friday or Saturday (proms). The only other options would possibly be a Monday or Sunday.

Joe continuies: "But what does the chamberday panel care. I am just a Joe Diver and never taken serious."

Actually, we do care. Each year, we put out public solicitations for thoughts, ideas, and input. We also stay in contact (via e-mail) with clubs and stores, as well as individuals who have expressed an interest to have input in the event. And our Steering Committee meetings are open toanyone who wants to listen. If you have some idea you'd like to share with me, you may contact me directly at "" or call me at Reef Seekers (310/652-4990 - best time to get me there is after 3PM).

The only thing I'd caution is not to lose sight of the fact that we've been doing this event for 15 years now. What you may consider a "new" idea may be something we've already tried and discarded. But please feel free to let us know what you think.

Joe: "In the past I have fit within no ones plans for achievement yet I keep getting asked to do more."

I'm not sure what you mean by this.

Joe: "I for one am tired of having my concerns cast aside after last year. I do think that chamberday needs new ideas."

Don't confuse "cast aside" with "unwilling to listen". We're happy to have new and productive ideas (Chamber Evening and the Flying Dutchman are two of the most recent examples) to increase the success of the event. Give us your best shot.

Joe finishes with: " I wish I had the time off from work to work on it."

You know, not all the work is done 9-5. We can always use help evenings and weekends. Give me a call and I'll put your talents to work.

Ken Kurtis
Chairman, Chamber Day/Eve 2003
(Wednesday, May 7)

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