This was a joke...

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Posted by felipe on April 03, 2003 at 14:34:54:

In Reply to: Bow down... posted by felipe on April 01, 2003 at 07:26:39:

1000 was only for sh*ts and giggles. This was just my cynical perspective of the modern-day DM. 20 years ago things were different. I can remember guys like my first instructor, Jay Shraedler. This old salty son-of-b*tch, was (I think) former Navy UDT(pre-dating the SEALS) and despite his age, more than capable of handling any physical challenge above or below sea level that may arise. He and other DM's/Instructors like him were looked up to. They had the experience needed IMO, to be referred to as Dive"Masters". I think the requirements today for that level of certification are lacking, to say the least. That's it. I'll step off my soap-box...for now.
--Phil frog kicking down memory lane

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