My two cents

JuJee Beads, handmade flamework glass beads

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Posted by Tim Baskin on April 25, 2003 at 22:05:04:

In Reply to: The Captain's Call posted by Captain Tim on April 24, 2003 at 20:12:46:

I can speak for both the divers side and the captains side, Haveing been a capt. fo more years than I care to admit. (25yrs plus) The first thing that a capt. must take into account is the safty and confort of his charter. Then the safty of his boat. in that order. I commend Tim for having the skill and courage to make those impossible discission and then standing behind them. More than one Capt has gone down (no pun intended) in flames when a charter forsed him into making a poor choice. I just have to remember the boat that broke in two going out of Morro Bay back in the 60's. George C. Scott forsed the capt to go out and the boat supstaned over a million dallars damage and several people wound up in the Hospital. Do not for a monente second guess your self Tim. You did the right think. Just my two cents.

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