Re: Steve-O's ignorance is showing and his comprehension is poor.

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Posted by Richard on May 06, 2003 at 10:36:23:

In Reply to: Re: Steve-O's ignorance is showing and his comprehension is poor. posted by Bingo Bongo on May 06, 2003 at 09:41:26:

See what I mean Mel, he's as dense as they come.
Luv the parrot references. Correct and on target as usual my friend.
Does sfkenny remind you of anyone else? If you really want to set the parrot off, ask him about his opinion of that Kane guy.
If you do be prepared to change sfkenny's cage newspaper after every sentence. Talk about your pair of babbling idiots, althought Kane's fact support as presented are usually correct.
Sfkenny's just like any other person who doesn't like the truth when confronted. He get's defensive and tries to mis-direct the scope of the discussion. I can't ever reading anywhere where his has admitted he was wrong when he was.
Kane's is similar, but he's better at it than sfkenny. At least Kane has more experience. Not the most, but more than.
Oh, you want to really get a laugh? Ask him about his real world experience with full face masks or his opinion of the mamallian response.
It's a snapping hoot!
Just do a search with and full faced masks or FFM and prepare to laugh your butt off.
It's classic!
See y'all on Friday.

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