Dive report; USS Moody and Olympic II

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on October 18, 2003 at 17:25:12:

We were blessed with the best conditions I have seen in what feels like years today. Irridescent blue water and 60-80 feet vis welcomed us to the wreck of the Moody. The vis was so good at the bottom that Ross, Steve, Susan and I all swam from the stern section to the bow. It's amazing how small the wreck feels when you can actually see it. Two large Sheephead and dozens of huge Lingcod were scattered around the wreck. During our safety stop Ross spotted a large Blue shark swimming under us.
We motored over to the Olympic for a quick checkout the conditions here dive. Similar conditions, with water temps in the 60s. At least two of the divers onboard remarked that it felt like tropical diving, especially being able to look up from 70 feet to see that both props were still on the boat. :-)
Another fun, make that glorious day of diving!

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