Just say No to the DFG fee increases

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Posted by average jane on October 19, 2003 at 22:21:03:

In Reply to: 87% fishing licence fee increase. posted by Chris on October 19, 2003 at 00:08:31:

Just “fine” me if you can “find” me, but you can't “find” me to “fine” me if you only have a fine few wardens left to find me.
Thanks to DFG management of the commercial fishing industry, I am less likely to find game now than in prior years.

Thanks to DFG management for funding the education of "women to hunt" instead of hiring more wardens, I am now less likely to get caught with game then before.

Beginning next year the fine for not having a license is closer to the cost to buy a license.

My odds are getting better and better, I might just hold on to my sawbucks for a while as the DFG transitions to charitable organization seeking volunteers and donations to fulfill its mission.

Knee-jerk fee increases have the potential of diminishing returns if your users, or hunting addicts in this case, just say NO.

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