Re: Reading the Post and DIR

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Chris on October 30, 2003 at 10:55:57:

In Reply to: Re: Reading the Post and DIR posted by Ken Kurtis on October 28, 2003 at 17:44:29:

There has been an ongoing problem created by the vocal minority of DIR proponents of weak character; if you do not completely adopt their philosophy, equipment, and methods then you are characterized as anti DIR. As with zealots of all types, there is no middle ground. Just like Moslem extremists who characterize everyone, and everything who do not want to abide by their draconian codes as anti-Islamic, a few DIR fanatics characterize anyone who disagrees with them as anti-DIR.

I have been guilty of associating the message with the messenger, but I believe this is a natural human reaction. However GUE has made this very hard not to do since they officially adopted their chief spokesman of self-aggrandizement, venomous derision, misdirection, and hateful personal attacks. Their certified anointment of him as an instructor and spokesman, instead of disassociating themselves from him, drags down their entire organization. I fear they have polluted their good message of more extensive training for new divers, something that has been lost in the march toward lowered standards to increase market share.

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