Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Mike Rouff on November 20, 2003 at 09:07:41:

I recently had my wallet stolen and among the items I lost was my NAUI Scuba Card. After speaking with the NAUI Headquarters in Tampa, FL they did a cursory check and could not find my certificatiion. Of course, I took the course back before computers and they suggested that I contact the dive shop that I took the class. It has been a long time ago (1971) and I was hoping that someone could give me the name of a dive shop in Oceanside, CA. At least that would be a starting point in the search of information to get my card replaced.

I have tried the Internet in hopes that I might find a starting place without any luck. If someone has information about Dive Shops in the Oceanside, CA area I would greatly appreciate you contacting me at my email address.

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