Grand Closing Sale!!!

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Wayne Miller on February 04, 2004 at 23:29:00:

Hello all that read this. Just a quick note to say goodbye and to invite you to come in for one last spending chance at our soon to be closed facility here in Riverside. I'm closing down this operation on Feb 16th and until then we selling everything!! We always did sell everything anyways - but now it's 30% off!! This is only for a very short time so get down here if you've something you need or want or both. Special orders are welcome in addition to what remains in stock.

After 17 years, it's time to move on to the next phase. I and our Instructors will still be around to teach you technical diving, SCR and CCR training - but no more retail.

So, just a note to say what's going on. If you're more curious and want more details on training or travel, call us at 909-689-2422 until the 16th. After then, you can reach me at my Northern Cal Office of 530-468-2237.

Wayne Miller
Scuba Schools of America - Riverside

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