Re: 2 Petitions to save our oceans, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by Jack on March 16, 2004 at 22:09:26:

In Reply to: 2 Petitions to save our oceans posted by sobay candy on March 16, 2004 at 13:11:59:

Before you sign the petition, try reading the Environmental Impact Statement. The thoughtful comments of people who do are often drown out by the well-intentioned but addle-headed efforts of spam mailing websites. What happens under the environmental regulations? These petitions and comments are ignored. Do we really want some burnouts from San Fran and 10,000 of his kindred spirits making science-based decisions?

Read the comments on the petition site. These are freaks and the same ocean loving people that drive oversized SUVs, live in Malibu with leaking septic systems polluting the ocean, but want to tell you and me what asses we are for spearfishing and so on.

Most of the people who sign these things couldn't find Alaska if you handed them a globe with a big arrow labeled ALASKA pointing to Juneau.

And if you love depleted fisheries, you will love the marine sanctuary. Look what it has done for the Channel Islands.

Oh yeah, sign one of these petitions and you will be spammed by every crackpot environmental organization that wants a buck. These are really mass mailing fund raising sites. Better to give your money to a local group that does some good.

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