Re: What happened to a reasonable trip to Catalina?

AquaFlite Custom Wetsuits, Dive Skins, and Dive Parkas

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Posted by Capt.Jerry dive boat Magician on April 06, 2004 at 10:11:51:

In Reply to: What happened to a reasonable trip to Catalina? posted by AD on April 04, 2004 at 09:53:23:

Jim or AD (whatever you want to call yourself)
I have read all the posts to date about your charter on my boat (MAGIGIAN). Here's what really happened on your charter---Scuba Toys showed up to the boat with 38 divers(the limit is 30) Seven divers came with empty tanks. Breakfast was ready by 7:15 am.(the same breakfast that we served you the two previous trips that was paid for at the end of the day by your customers with no complaints) We anchored at Fragal Rock at your request just as we did the two previous trips. Two dives were made and lunch was served in the galley--- here is what we had for lunch-- Tossed green salad with tomatos and avocados, corn, French bread rolls and it was Costco Lasagna not Sam's club---And here's what we had to drink...Coffee,hot tea,hot coco,Sparklets water in the water jug,ice tea and lemonaid all included in the cost of the trip. Now.. here's the nickle and dime thing.. we charge $1.00 for can soda and bottled water, why you may ask do we do that? Here's why...We don't have room for a soda machine i wish we did but we don't. Customers have a tendency (not intentionally)to get a can of soda drink some, set it down forget where they put it and go and get another. I feel this is a major problem... not a cost problem but a waste problem. That wasted soda has to go somewhere.. (hopefully the trash can not the ocean) However, we find cans all over the deck area which attracts Yellow Jackets and Bee's.. when knocked over on deck we have a sticky mess to deal with. We felt that charging $1.00 for soda would help with the waste problem. As for your customers Jim, We got all good feedback from them(trust me,we asked them) they were extremely happy with the new compressors, some made 4 dives and said that was a first on the Magician. We asked your customers about the food and they said it was good(again, we asked) They said they really liked the cake, ice cream and assorted cookies on the way home. As an indicator of the trip the tips came out to $147.00. Thats it nothing more or less. You took advantage of Ira for years putting 40 plus divers on the boat and never once paying Ira any extra for it. You really should be ashamed of yourself. As for your Dive Masters.. I did not charge them for food and air as you said I did as for you Six instructors.. I gave them free air..How much more do you want? By canceling your future charters I think you have done a great diservice to your loyal customers but thats not my business it's yours.
Captain, Jerry Lewis dive boat "Magican"

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