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Posted by TomR1 on April 30, 2004 at 15:36:39:

In Reply to: Don't be a complete moron, you will give morons a bad name! posted by RealityCheck on April 20, 2004 at 21:28:58:

I posted the comments about the music. The author [not me] used the music to illustrate Rusty's old fashioned view of handling environmental issues.

Rusty incorrectly concluded that it was my post and attributed the music comment to my age - 62. In fact I only liked heavy metal music when stoned and I don't smoke it no more.

The current ethic is "No touch, no take". That is how most divers dive unless they are hunting. The reason is simple. The environment is degrading and "No touch, no take" is a prudent rule to minimize divers impact to the environment.

On one of my Cozumel dives the dive master teased a fish into biting an old snorkel he had. His actions were met with displeasure by his clients.

I also find it amusing that you think those who object are young and broke. I am neither. I travel with over $10,000 in dive equipment [my h2oinsurance bill] and I am a piker compared to many of my friends on digitaldiver.net.

I have repeatedly said that I don't think Rusty is a bad person -- just wrong -- and I make no personal attacks on him.

However, I won't frequent his place of business and drysuits for the wife and me are the next order of business. Don't think this won't hurt Rusty's business.

Tom Reynolds

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