Re: Coast Guard Proposal

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Posted by Elaine on April 30, 2004 at 22:02:23:

In Reply to: Coast Guard Proposal posted by Jon on April 30, 2004 at 18:04:41:

The Coast Guard Proposal for a standardized procedure seems to put the blame for this incident on the fact that there is currently no standardized procedure in use that they think works to account for the presence or absence of passengers on a dive boat. In taking this view, how can they possibly find the Captain of the Sundiver at fault? That makes absolutely no sense. If they feel that the system that has been in use for decades is victimizing everyone, then they have to see the light that the divers are not the only victims of this system. The boat captains have been victims too, and treat this one accordingly. Give the poor Captain a blanket, a cup of hot coco, and leave him alone.

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