Re: Capn Ray officially chraged by USCG

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Posted by Tribes on May 12, 2004 at 09:42:12:

In Reply to: Capn Ray officially chraged by USCG posted by The Scoop on May 12, 2004 at 06:36:13:

Fassero said this was a very isolated incident. "I can't recall in the past four years of anything happening similar to this. It's very exceptional in the dive boat industry. This is just not the normal situation."

Mr. Fassero didn t investigate the dive boat industry very will. This is not an isolated incident it has happened over and over again(in the last couple of years there has been 2 or three incidents just like this). Along with Skippers falling asleep at the helm, bad air, and the chartering to divers who are unprepared for extreme dive locations.
I think that in this case most of our community feels that Ray was victimized by a DM and a dive shop. And is now paying for there mistakes with a suspension of his license (sue them Ray).
There needs to be some change in our community, I hope that this suspension will serve as wake up call to the dive boat owners, dive shop owners, dive instructors/DM, and skippers.. Because next time our community, may not be so lucky("This could have been a homicide investigation,").


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