Drifting Dan and his "buddies" AKA who's fault is it really....

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Posted by Doug Williams on May 17, 2004 at 16:14:33:

Sure Drifting Dan's buddies should have spoken up, they scrwed up by not doing so.

But, Drifting Dan's buddies would not have had the opportunity to screw up if Drifting Dan had not attempted to do a dive he was not qualified for in the first place....and once Drifting Dan screwed up by jumping off the boat, he screwed up again by not signaling his "buddies" (if you want to call them that) that he was calling the dive (oh yeah I forgot he didn't call the dive he turned the dive into a drift in the current I'm lost and can't find the boat, the rig, my "buddies" becuase I screwed up and drited away CF) thus putting his "buddies" in the position to add to his screw up.

No Drifting Dan needs to grow a pair, find some honor and take RESPONSIBILITY for his own actions (which started this whole mess in the first place)and maybe even take a DIRF class....

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