Whoa, calm down, I respect your awesome macho-ness

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Posted by 113 Dive Beginner on June 24, 2004 at 12:38:58:

In Reply to: Re: Lures are for sissies: Real men freedive for tuna posted by Finfan on June 24, 2004 at 11:56:10:

My, are we feeling sensitive today? Maybe less coffee would help.

You're correct, I haven't speared a tuna that size yet, still working on it. I'll be out at the Coronados this weekend.

BTW, the world's record for spearcaught bluefin is 498 lbs, by Terry Maas.

You can catch your salmon any way you please, just stay within the regulations.

Although I think that dealing with the Landlord and being on the spearing end still counts as being in the predator role.

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