Dive Report 11 July 04 Malaga Resort

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Pasley on July 11, 2004 at 16:56:53:

Date: 11 july 04
Dive Location: Laguna Beach, Montage Resort (Treasure Island)
Time: 9:08 a.m.
Bottom Time: 40:30
Max Depth: 40 FSW
Vis: 8-10 feet
Wave height: 1 foot or less
Temp at depth: 59 Suunto degrees
Surface Temp: 63 Suunto degrees
Tide information: 3.2 High 7:00AM, 2.2 Low 11:28AM
In our pre-dive briefing we discussed that this beach has a shallow surf zone, with a drop off about 10 feet from the water line or so. It was amusing to watch the divers enter, and go from knee high to over their heads in two steps. When we say it drops off, we are not kidding around. Entered to calm seas, with little surf in the under 1 foot range. Water had a lot of particulate matter in it. Bit of surge maybe 4 feet running near the rocks. Limited dive to 40 minutes by plan due to schedules and anticipated air consumption of a new diver in the group. We spotted 3 purple stripped jellies, one in the water and two impaled on the urchins. Spotted the usual suspects. An octopus was also observed.

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