Dive report @ Leo Carillo-south 7/11

JuJee Beads, handmade flamework glass beads

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Posted by Andrew Spring on July 12, 2004 at 11:46:26:

Kicked out at 220 degrees from the stairs to the start of the kelp beds. Dropped down to 18 ft to find strong underwater current with 5-8 vis. It was like a ghost town down there, a little wierd. We kept with the 220 heading finding deeper water, less current, and vis improving to 15-20ft. At about 25 ft, discovered an arch with a swim through, it was pretty cool going thru and seeing all the curious fish underneath. After a couple of swim throughs, we moved on, not less than 15 ft. another swim through appeared. This one was a little smaller, so we just peered through to the other end. Continued until the reef dropped off to a large sandy flat at about 35 ft, then headed back in. Very fun dive, Leo-south just keeps on getting better and better.

Water temp 63 surface-55 at depth

Good diving,

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