Re: DANGER!!!!

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Rich Kerr on July 19, 2004 at 05:48:30:

In Reply to: Re: DANGER!!!! Beware Bottomscratcher dive boat posted by Greg Elliott /Owner Operator Bottom Scratcher Dive on July 18, 2004 at 22:20:51:

Greg, I was under water so I have to believe what my wife and kids say over you as to what they replied to you. "Between them and shore" Exactly my problem, you had a half mile of shallow reef to the east, the whole reef is shallow, why anchor inside me? As to my friend with the speargun, he approached to find out why you were there and had no choise but to swim by your boat you were so close, and he yelled at your divers because they were using his float as a current line pulling him backwards. I did'nt say you dropped your anchor on me I said I saw it hit the sand 10 ft. in front of me. Your guy said I was'nt there, so then where did he think I was. {I sure wish I had been filming on that dive} I DID NOT THREATEN YOU, I CURSED YOU YES. The main issue here is why would you choose to anchor INSIDE a boat allready at anchor and activly diving when you could have moved 200 ft. east and would have been just as shallow for your divers, unless you just have no respect for private boaters. Oh and by the way does 25 years of boating still count as amature? Is it your policy to incroach and then offer up free air, as if that makes it OK. If I pulled up that close to you with you divers in the water you would have done the same thing we did, YOU WERE WRONG TO ANCHOR THERE.

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