Re: DANGER!!!! Beware Bottomscratcher dive boat

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Posted by Greg Elliott /Owner Operator Bottom Scratcher Dive on July 18, 2004 at 22:20:51:

In Reply to: DANGER!!!! Beware Bottomscratcher dive boat posted by Rich Kerr on July 18, 2004 at 19:03:58:

Rich Kerr, you are telling a complete lie! I will challenge him in court with 30 witnesses (5 of whom are police officers). There were two boats on the sight. One was fishing and the other diving. I very slowly approached the little private boat with the dive flag and asked if they had any divers in the water. My 30 passengers and crew heard the females aboard reply NO. I slowly went around the outside of their boat and anchored between them and shore as I needed shallow water for my students aboard.
After anchoring, I asked the females aboard if they needed their tanks filled as I would fill them for free if they needed fills. One said, thank you and she would ask her husband. I then spotted someone on the surface swimming toward my boat with a loaded spear gun, trailing a yellow float. He eventually swam between my divers (thay were in a class on the surface with their instructor)with his spear gun still loaded. When his yellow float hit one of the female students she pushed it out of the way. He started yelling at her and to his surprise, She yelled back and everyone else yelled at him also. What kind of person swims through swimmmers, divers or anyone with a loaded spear gun? Later his friend surfaced on scuba and accused me of droping anchor on top of him. He threatened me, until my deckhand had had enough and told him he would have to go through him first. He finally shut up. Rich Kerr....I say "Danger Beware of Irresponsible Amateur Boaters & Divers like you and your friend."

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