Re: Sixteen nudes and a shipwreck

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Posted by Chris on July 26, 2004 at 16:01:55:

In Reply to: Re: Sixteen nudes and a shipwreck posted by jlyle on July 26, 2004 at 14:25:10:

On occasion I beleive they do interbreed becasue I have cpatured a few (years ago whrn legal) that appeared to have characteristics of both.
Although greens are usually in less than 40 feet, I have found them as deep as 80. Likwise I have found pinks as shallow as 20 feet. When abalone hunting was allowed my favorite place to go was San Clemente Island. There are still many there on the back side.
I'm sorry to hear that abalone has died. Perhaps if you retrieve the shell you can tell. Using a rotary wire brush on the outer shell surface will clean it up very nicely and the shell color can be very revealing of the species. However it you take a wire brush to the shell be sure and wear a resperator. It is worth doing to a few shells becasue with the groth cleaned from the outer surface the patterns in the shell are very beutiful.

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